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CoC certification

CoC certification

CoC certification allows WEBO to demonstrate that it keeps FSC® wood separate from non-certified wood (Chain of Custody). We keep the wood flows separate both in practice and in our administration. If certified wood flows must be mixed with non-FSC®-certified wood flows, we can prove that the wood does not come from illegal logging, from forests with a high nature value (such as primeval forests), or from plantations that have supplanted tropical rainforest.

We only work with FSC®-certified wood. As a result, the act of separating flows can be skipped. The processing and trading chain is checked in this process.


WEBO strives to be transparent. That’s why we’ll happily allow you to peek at our production processes. You can find more information, as well as our certifications, in the download centre. By innovating in a sustainable way, we are participating in tomorrow’s world.

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