Building with BIM
As inventors in the carpentry industry, WEBO has been engineering with BIM for over 7 years. Years of innovation, training and practical development have enabled WEBO to realise large and small projects in BIM, including the Stadhuiskwartier Deventer (Deventer Town Hall). BIM stands for Building Information Modelling and is used to streamline processes into one uniform flow of information throughout the entire construction chain.
BIM makes sure that all relevant information is combined, used and managed in a single digital building model and allows for collaboration with various parties, including the contractor, client, architect, installer, manufacturer and suppliers. BIM can serve as a clear, well-organised management model. WEBO works with a team of 10 employees in accordance with the open BIM standards, or IFC. WEBO engineers are familiar with the latest BIM standards and are constantly given further training.
BIM integration
WEBO distinguishes itself through BIM integration, which forms the starting point for all processes in our organisation. The client, typically the constructing party, assumes responsibility for the coordination of the BIM project: they are responsible for combining several aspect and discipline models nd for performing a clash check.
After the BIM model is released for production, WEBO will start up the machine controls and ordering procedure directly from the BIM environment. Suppliers and partners are generally directly connected to the automated BIM process at WEBO, greatly reducing the chance of errors.
The advantages of BIM
Working with BIM helps optimise the process, minimises failure costs, and gives you a clear overview of the building in a BIM model. The advantages of BIM are that all parties work with the same data, so that all bottlenecks can be identified fast and early and solved before they arise, as the building is built virtually before it is actually built. This results in a shorter construction time and, eventually, a reduction in construction costs.
Concretely, BIM and WEBO’s knowledge provide the following benefits:
- Chain cooperation and pooling of information in one model;
Combining products into one model provides a clear overview that will speed up the construction of the actual building and includes all the right aspects and dimensions.
- Direct purchase from chain partners;
WEBO has established a direct link between its BIM model and its partners (suppliers), so that necessary supplies can be ordered immediately. A fast and efficient way of communicating.
- Failure cost reduction though increased insight;
If mistakes are recognised early, they can be prevented. The process to identify them is also known as clashing. In addition, WEBO’s production process does not require the intervention of external programs, optimising dimensional stability.
- Clear communication through better agreements.
By laying down communication in systems, agreements are clearer and there is more consistency in the drawing. From a construction point of view, BIM makes the process clearer and easier to manage.
BIM Library
WEBO uses open standards and makes its library available to its business partners. WEBO’s open library standard is part of a transparent policy that stimulates innovation. WEBO hopes to encourage other parties to use BIM and to develop its popularity within the industry. There’s more to knowledge than just having it: we see major opportunities in allowing success it to grow and spread.
To WEBO, BIM is the complete model, covering the building and its environment, and we can make it a success if our mutual communication is based on knowledge and trust. We see BIM as a simple, precise and clear manner of communication that enables high-quality construction. We’d be happy to help you discover how BIM can help you gain insight into your construction issues.